关于「 yaqiong」的内容列表

3AC Suzhu's wife sells one of her properties for $38.50 million

Tao Yaqiong, aka Evelyn, wife of 3AC Suzhu, sold one of her Singapore properties for US $38.50 million (S $51 million), despite a court freeze on some of the couple's other properties. Tao Yaqiong, whose deal was signed in July, bought the house for S $28.50 million in 2020 and has since redeveloped it.

2024-11-02 14:27:01

11月2日消息,3AC联创Suzhu的妻子Tao Yaqiong(又名Evelyn)以3850万美元(5100万新元)价格出售其新加坡的一套房产,尽管法院对这对夫妇的其他一些房产实施了冻结。 据悉,Tao Yaqiong的这笔交易于7月签署,其于2020年以2850万新元的价格买下了这栋房子,此后对其进行了重新开发。

2024-11-02 14:27:01